Game Development Reference
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self.spaceBlueSkyParallaxNode.position =
CGPointMake(0, 0);
[self addChild:self.spaceBlueSkyParallaxNode];
7. Similar to the blue sky background, we have to implement the mist images as
well. To add more reality to the game, we will add the mistParallaxBack-
groundImages function.
NSArray *mistParallaxBackgroundNames =
@[@"SpaceWhiteMist.png", @"SpaceWhiteMist.png",];
self.spaceWhiteMistParallaxNode =
[[FSParallaxNode alloc]
self.spaceWhiteMistParallaxNode.position =
CGPointMake(0, 0);
[self addChild:self.spaceWhiteMistParallaxNode];
8. Once the nodes have been added to the scene, they need to be updated for
scrolling purposes. So call the updateForDeltaTime function of FSMyS-
cene for both the nodes.
if (self.spaceBlueSkyParallaxNode)
if (self.spaceWhiteMistParallaxNode)
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