Game Development Reference
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Lastly the sequence action formed runs on the spaceship.
4. For the coin, the animation should be as if it is disappearing as it is taken by the
spaceship. Thus, two core animations fadeOut and scaleDown are created
with a 0.2 scale factor having a time interval of 0.4 each, forming an array of an-
- (void)runCollectedAnimationForCoin:(SKNode*)coinNode
SKAction* coinFadeOutAnimation = [SKAction
SKAction* scaleDownAnimation = [SKAction
scaleTo:0.2 duration:0.4];
NSArray* coinAnimations = [NSArray
scaleDownAnimation, nil];
5. Using these animations, a group animation is formed.
SKAction* coinGroupAnimation = [SKAction
6. As for the coin, when it collides with the spaceship, it has to be removed from the
scene when its animation is over. So create an action using the block to remove
the coin after the previously created group animation is completed.
SKAction* coinAnimationFinishedCallBack = [SKAction
customActionWithDuration:0.0 actionBlock:^(SKNode
*node,CGFloat elapsedTime)
[node removeFromParent];
In the preceding code snippet, we are using the removeFromParent function,
which is similar to removeFromSuperview in UIKit.
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