Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
How to do it...
As the images are stored in App Bundle , the simplest way to create a sprite with texture
is to create the texture first and then the sprite using the same texture. At runtime, the im-
ages are loaded from the app bundle to become the texture and then the visible entity called
So in the previous chapter, we created the sprite using its class method:
self.spaceShipSprite = [SKSpriteNode
Now, we will continue with the final solution kit created in the previous chapter thereby us-
ing the SKTexture object to create the sprite in place of the preceding method used to
create a sprite:
1. Create the SKTexture object with the same image of the spaceship:
SKTexture* spaceShipTexture = [SKTexture
2. Use the preceding texture object to create the SKSpriteNode object:
self.spaceShipSprite = [SKSpriteNode
3. Then, follow the same steps to add the sprite to the FSMyScene file making the
snippet look like this:
Now, as memory management is more optimized with texture, we can start with the anima-
tions to change the frames of a sprite by a fixed time. For that, we will be showing a prop
in the environment, which is a coin rotating 360 degrees horizontally.
The following are the steps involved to make a coin look like it is rotating 360 degrees ho-
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