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29. Vaidhyanathan S. Nanotechnologies and the law of patents: a collision course. In:
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30. Makker A. The nanotechnology patent thicket and the path to commercialization. South
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31. Pearce JM. Make nanotechnology research open-source. Nature . 2012;491:519-521.
32. Mushtaq U, Pearce JM. Open source appropriate nanotechnology. In: Maclurcan D,
Radywyl N, eds. Nanotechnology and global sustainability . Boca Raton: CRC Press;
33. Stiles AR. Hacking through the thicket: a proposed patent pooling solution to the nan-
otechnology “Building Block” patent thicket. Drexel Law Rev . 2012;4:555-592.
34. Pearce JM. Open-source nanotechnology: solutions to a modern intellectual property
tragedy. Nano Today, in press. htp://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nantod.2013.04.001 .
35. McGowan D. Legal implications of open-source software. Univ Ill Law Rev .
36. Weinberg M. It will be awesome if they don't screw it up . Public Knowl 2010; Available from:
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37. Bradshaw S, Bowyer A, Haufe P. The intellectual property implications of low-cost 3D
printing. ScriptEd . 2010;7(1):5-31.
38. Diamond J. Collapse: how societies choose to fail or succeed . Penguin 2005; [Revised edi-
39. Blackburn S. Ethics: a very short introduction . Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2001; p.
1 T 1This selfishness trap is clearly less productive overall than the sharing methodology discussed in Chapter 2 .
2 Contrast that to distinctly anticommons approaches that are devastating the environment today. It is also perhaps
useful to note what happens to civilizations that pillage their environments for short-term gain. For a detailed and
sobering account of the results of that path, see Diamond's Collapse [ 38 ] .
3 T 3The name CERN is derived from the acronym for the French "ConseilEuropéen pour la Recherche Nucléaire". In Eng-
lish it is known as theEuropean Council for Nuclear Research.
4 F or the most part despised by economists, rent seeking is an atempt to proit by obtaining economic rent by manip-
ulating the social or political environment of the economy rather than creating new real wealth.
5 T 5The entire concept of IP may appear so absurd to some readers so as not to be worth the bother as it will likely
be gone in the future. This sentiment, often expressed by more energetic graduate students, was summarized
in a tweet by James Governor, founder of analyst firm RedMonk, “younger devs today are about POSS—post
open-source software. f ∗∗∗ the license and governance, just commit to github”— htps://twiter.com/monkchips/status/
247584170967175169 . We are, however, at best in some form of transitional state now, and to move technological gov-
ernance in the right direction, licenses are critical. If innovators are not careful, their innovations will simply be locked
down in the old models.
6 GNU itself is a word hack—a recursive acronym that stands for “GNU's Not Unix”.
7 htp://www.gnu.org/licenses/ .
8 htp://opensource.org/docs/osd .
9 htp://www.opensource.org/licenses/alphabetical .
10 GNU Free Documentation License htp://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html .
11 Open-art license htp://three.org/openart/license/ .
12 Open-access journals htp://www.doaj.org/ .
13 T 13TAPR open-hardware license htp://www.tapr.org/ohl.html .
14 T 14Thingiverse htp://www.thingiverse.com/ .
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