Hardware Reference
In-Depth Information
73 Centrifuges require some care in order to be used safely, and a printed centrifuge in particular will have hazards
that you should be ready for if you try to use it. Consult your laboratory's safety officer before using this device and
always wear your safety glasses.
74 Microcentrifuge htp://www.thingiverse.com/thing:33818 .
75 T 75This can also be accomplished printing with a 2-headed RepRap and using PVA as a support printing material.
76 USB powered cytocentrifuge htp://www.thingiverse.com/thing:46448 .
77 Dr. Richard Siderits' designs htp://www.thingiverse.com/siderits/designs .
78 3 -D printable rapid fluid filters htp://www.thingiverse.com/thing:27933 .
79 P CR tube racks htp://www.thingiverse.com/thing:25450 .
80 Cassete rack htp://www.thingiverse.com/thing:28575 .
81 P latypus Forcep htp://www.thingiverse.com/thing:31868 .
82 Makerbeam: htp://www.makerbeam.eu/ .
83 Connectors for 20 mm MakerBeam htp://www.thingiverse.com/thing:28179 .
84 L aser cut test tube racks htp://www.thingiverse.com/thing:22728 .
85 3 -D Printable test tube racks htp://www.thingiverse.com/thing:69911 .
86 A cadey Designs htp://www.thingiverse.com/acadey/designs .
87 9 6-well plate/0.2 ml strip tube magnet rack htp://www.thingiverse.com/thing:79430 .
88 K &J Magnetics htp://www.kjmagnetics.com/proddetail.asp?prod=BZ082 .
89 Magnetic Rack for 8, 1.5 ml tubes htp://www.thingiverse.com/thing:79424 .
90 I t should be noted that the RepRap community is also pushing the resolution of low-cost 3-D printers down, as well
as diversifying the printable feedstock to all of the material families (e.g. ceramics and metals).
91 Hackteria htp://hackteria.org/ .
92 T 92Tardi-GelBox htp://www.thingiverse.com/thing:71638 .
93 T 93These water-dwelling 1-mm-long eight-legged creatures sometimes called water bears are one of the most complex
of all known polyextremophiles that can survive in horrendous conditions. For example, tardigrades can withstand
temperatures from just above absolute zero to well above the boiling point of water, as well as extreme pressures,
solar radiation, gamma radiation, ionic radiation and have even lived through the vacuum of space. A lot of people
would consider this prety cool. May be you do not. That is ok because you now have the ability to turn all your sci-
entific equipment into works of art with your own favorite creatures.
94 P ublic Laboratory htp://publiclaboratory.org/home .
95 P ublic Laboratory Visible Light Spectrometer htp://publiclaboratory.org/notes/warren/11-57-2011/visible-light-
spectrometer-2660-4-7nm-bandwidth .
96 P ublic Laboratory Spectrometer htp://publiclaboratory.org/tool/spectrometer .
97 A ndroid is also an open-source Linux-based operating system (provided by Google under the Apache License)
designed primarily for smartphones and tablets and touchscreen mobile devices. For full details, see ht-
tp://source.android.com/ .
98 P ublic Laboratory spectrometer (v3.0) htp://www.thingiverse.com/thing:49934 .
99 S pectruino htp://myspectral.com/#technical .
100 I n the Star Trek series and movies, a tricorder is a multifunction hand-held device used for sensor scanning, data
analysis, and recording data. There are all different flavors of tricorders—such as those for engineering, planet explor-
ation, and medical diagnosis.
101 T 102The Tricorder Project htp://www.tricorderproject.org/ .
102 T 102The Tricorder Project Mark 2 htp://www.tricorderproject.org/tricorder-mark2.html .
103 F or example, there is the Tricorder X Prize, a $10 million competition to develop a hand-held portable, wireless
device that monitors and diagnoses your health conditions to allow unprecedented access to personal health metrics.
http://www.qualcommtricorderxprize.org/ .
104 B uckner funnel htp://www.thingiverse.com/thing:25188 .
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