Hardware Reference
In-Depth Information
59. Gundersen A. Three myths of the Three Mile Island accident, lecture . Burlington, Vermont,
USA: Fairewinds Energy Education Corp; 2009.
60. Hatch MC, Beyea J, Nieves JW, Susser M. Cancer near the Three Mile Island nuclear
plant: radiation emissions. Am J Epidemiol . 1990;132(3):397-417.
61. Wing S, Richardson D, Armstrong D, Crawford-Brown D. A reevaluation of cancer
incidence near the Three Mile Island nuclear plant: the collision of evidence and as-
sumptions. Environ Health Perspect . 1997;105:52-57.
62. Hatch MC, Wallenstein S, Beyea J, Nieves JW, Susser M. Cancer rates after the Three
Mile Island nuclear accident and proximity of residence to the plant. Am J Epidemiol .
63. Gur D, Good WF, Tokuhata GK, Goldhaber MK, Rosen JC, Rao GR. Radiation dose as-
signment to individuals residing near the Three Mile Island nuclear station. Proc PA
Acad Sci . 1983;57:99-102.
64. Talbot EO, Youk AO, McHugh KP, et al. Mortality among the residents of the Three
Mile Island accident area: 1979-1992. Environ Health Perspect . 2000;108:545-552.
65. Wing S, Richardson D. Collision of evidence and assumptions: TMI déjà view. Environ
Health Perspect . 2000;108:A546-A547.
66. Talbot EO, Zhang A, Youk AO, McHugh-Pemu KP, Zborowski JV. Re: “Collision
view.”. Environ Health Perspect .
1 OpenSCAD htp://www.openscad.org .
2 T 2There are many other free and open-source CAD tools available such as BRL-CAD, Blender CAD, Python CAD,
OpenCASCADE, FreeCAD, HeeksCAD, Wings3D, and Shapesmith. In addition, there are some open-source drawing
packages like Art of Illusion and Blender, which are useful. Finally, there are free but closed-source tools like Google
Sketchup and TinkerCAD.
As of this writing, none of the open-source CAD packages are as advanced as the commercial CAD software that, for
example, mechanical engineering students are accustomed to using (e.g. Solid Works, NX, AutoCAD, Inventor, etc.).
If you have a student researcher already familiar with these tools, it may save your group time in the short term to do
your designs in closed software and if you still post the STLs, they may still be somewhat useful to the open-source
community. However, to take complete advantage of the open-source paradigm, which will build upon and improve
your designs for your benefit, the tools that are used to create the designs also need to be open so you are including
the greatest possible number of collaborators.
It is also interesting to note as 3-D printing expands the number of software developers assisting on the open-source
CAD packages will expand, and if history is a basis of what will happen in the future, the open-source packages will
surpass what is available both now and in the future in closed form.
3 Customizable gasket htp://www.thingiverse.com/thing:58665 .
4 OpenSCAD User Manual htp://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/OpenSCAD_User_Manual .
5 F for more information about coding for the Customizer, see htp://www.makerbot.com/blog/2013/01/23/openscad-
design-tips-how-to-make-a-customizable-thing/ .
6 Optical Chopper Wheel htp://www.thingiverse.com/thing:28121 .
7 S keinforge htp://fabmetheus.crsndoo.com/wiki/index.php/Skeinforge .
8 Cura htp://daid.github.com/Cura/ .
9 S lic3r htp://slic3r.org .
10 RepRap htp://reprap.org .
11 A crylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) and polylactic acid (PLA) polymers are the two most readily available and
mature printing filament materials although many others are available and under development as discussed in the
last chapter.
12 Open-source automated filter wheel htp://www.thingiverse.com/thing:26553 .
13 A rduino htp://www.arduino.cc .
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