Hardware Reference
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FIGURE 6.77 3-D printable cassette racks.
FIGURE 6.78 Platypus forceps.
Currently, he is working on several projects that should be coming out as this topic is prin-
ted, including a home bioprinter made using Makerbeam 82 connectors (which he has already
developed as seen in Figure 6.79 83 ) and stepper motors, an auto slide stainer for histology
(two-slide version), an auto immunohistochemical stainer (single-slide version) and a USB-
powered real-time quantitative PCR module. Finally, if you want to see how science used to
be done or want to beter explain it to your students, he is developing a line of working 3-D
printed reproductions of vintage laboratory equipment circa 1850-1920.
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