Hardware Reference
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FIGURE 1.7 Parametric automated filter wheel changer. Inset shows detail of filter locking.
Source: Open sourced by the author, Rodrigo Faria and Nick Anzalone of the Michigan Technological University Open Sustainability
Technology Group ( http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:26553 ).
As additional research groups begin to freely share the designs of their own laboratory
hardware, not only can everyone in the greater scientific community enjoy those same dis-
counts on equipment, but also following the FOSS approach, the equipment will continue to
evolve to be even beter in the open-source scientiic design community. In addition, research
costs will also be depressed even when scientists choose a commercial version of a tool be-
cause of the price pressure from the open-source community.
We are on the verge of a new era where low-cost scientific equipment puts increasingly
sophisticated tools into the hands of the public and amateur scientists, while driving down the
costs of research tools at our most prestigious laboratories.
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2. Brethauer DW. Open source software: a history. Inf Technol Libr . 2002;21(1):3-10.
3. Moon JY, Sproull L. Essence of distributed work: the case of the Linux kernel . First Monday .
2000;5 Retrieved 25.01.13, from htp://irstmonday.org/htbin/cgiwrap/bin/ojs/index.php/fm/
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4. Raymond ES. The cathedral and the bazaar . First Monday . 1988;3 Retrieved 25.01.13, from:
http://irstmonday.org/htbin/cgiwrap/bin/ojs/index.php/fm/article/view/578/499 ; 1988.
5. The Open Source Definition (Version 1.9). Open source initiative . Retrieved 25.01.13,
from: htp://opensource.org/docs/deinition.html .
6. Bonaccorsi A, Rossi C. Why open source software can succeed. Res Policy .
7. Kogut B, Metiu A. Open-source software development and distributed innovation.
Oxford Rev Econ Policy . 2001;17(2):248-264.
8. Giles J. Internet encyclopaedias go head to head. Nature . 2005;438:900-901.
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