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FIGURE 5.36 Partially assembled extruder.
Next, mount the main large herringbone gear by taking the hobbed bolt, gear, 2-4 washers,
608 bearing and then push through extruder body, 608 bearing, washer and a lock nut. The
number of washers will depend on your hobbed bolt. You want your filament to be centered
on the hobbed part of the bolt (as shown in Figure 5.37 ). Now match up the gears (Note: This
may demand a stepper motor spacer depending on the motors you obtained.). This spacer is
shown in blue in Figure 5.38 and can be adjusted in OpenSCAD for perfect it. Match the gears
up and screw the stepper motor to the extruder body with two M3 screws and tighten them
down. Then push the hobbed bolt out of the large gear and catch the washers as they fall. Then
screw the other two M3 screws and washers down and put the hobbed bolt and washers back
together. Mount it all to the frame with the M8 bolts and washers.
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