Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Table A.1
Cross-reference of antipatterns by name (continued)
16. Performance
Poorly defined performance plans,
poor requirement specification,
and inattention to performance
throughout the cycle can lead to
nasty surprises at the end of the
Gather perfor-
mance require-
ments, plan,
and prepare
Repeated deliv-
ery of software
that performs
poorly, perfor-
activities that are
unfocused and
ineffective, and
inability of low-
level developers
to articulate the
requirements for
a component that
they are building.
Chapter 10,
Section 10.2
17. Rigid XML
Some design choices can restrict
the extensibility of XML.
Namespaces can collide, and
some constructs are more restric-
tive than others.
Extensible, flexi-
ble XML
Difficult mainte-
nance and
changes that rip-
ple into other
parts of the sys-
Chapter 7,
Section 7.6
18. Round Bean
in a Square
Many times, the wrong classifica-
tion of EJB is used inappropriately.
There are several different varia-
tions of this problem. A complex
object relationship may fit bean-
managed persistence better than
container-managed persistence. In
other cases, a problem may not
require the full support of an entity
bean. Similarly, entity beans may
be overkill for applications that
exclusively read or write.
Use the correct
EJB for the job
Poor performance
or readability
Chapter 8,
Section 8.4
19. Round-
Round-tripping occurs when a
chatty interface falls on a distrib-
uted boundary. For EJBs, a client
(usually a controller or JSP)
accesses the remote interface of
a distributed entity bean. Since an
entity bean usually exposes many
fields and sometimes collections,
this results in many round-trip
communications, absolutely mur-
dering performance.
Command layer,
facade, refactor-
ing, caching
Poor performance
Chapter 8,
Section 8.3
Chapter 10,
Section 10.3
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