Geology Reference
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Morris's presentation on “The Biblical Evidence for a Recent Creation and Universal De-
luge.” He was as impressed with the talk as he was appalled by its polite dismissal by an
audience familiar with J. Laurence Kulp's devastating critiques of flood geology. Whit-
comb had found an ally.
Further incensed by the favorable reception of Bernard Ramm's topic in the evangelical
community, Whitcomb decided to write his thesis on the biblical case for a global flood.
He completed his dissertation in 1957 and immediately began looking for a publisher. Two
established evangelical publishers, Eerdmans and Moody, expressed interest. After seeing
the manuscript Eerdmans declined to publish it. Moody agreed to take it, but encouraged
Whitcomb to have the chapters dealing with scientific aspects of the Flood either checked
or coauthored by a PhD scientist, preferably a geologist. Whitcomb reluctantly agreed.
The only geologist he could find willing to look at the manuscript was appalled by what
he read. He wrote to Whitcomb that if there were any truth to such a globe-wrecking flood,
some well-trained geologist would have put the story together. The reviewer suggested that
Whitcomb learn the basics of historical geology.
Instead, Whitcomb decided to limit himself to advice from fellow creationists. Of those
he approached, Morris turned out to be the most helpful and enthused. Impressed by the
first three chapters of Whitcomb's dissertation, Morris admitted that he, too, had been
working on a flood geology topic. He advised Whitcomb to refrain from sarcasm and ri-
dicule and suggested he emphasize theological arguments. In this way, Whitcomb could
avoid getting trapped by geological ones.
Grateful for input from someone more familiar with the technical objections to flood
geology, Whitcomb asked Morris to coauthor his topic. Morris enthusiastically signed on.
Four years later, Moody turned down their finished manuscript, but a small publisher eager
to challenge the geological foundation for evolution published The Genesis Flood in 1961.
The topic began with a long argument for the reality of a global flood that killed off
everyone and everything not aboard the ark. Whitcomb and Morris acknowledged more of
the recent archaeological and geological evidence than had George McCready Price, but
they were just as selective and prejudicial in evaluating that evidence. They were forthright
in admitting as much: “We take this revealed framework of history as our basic datum, and
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