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recommend PuTTY. Browse to the PuTTY download page and download putty.exe .
Run PuTTY, and enter the following values:
• Host Name (or IP address):
• Port: 2222
• Connection type: SSH
If you want, you can save these values as a session by clicking the Save button, so that
you do not need to enter these values again. Click the Open button and enter vagrant
for both the username and the password.
Step 5: Shut Down or Start Anew
The Data Science Toolbox can be shut down by running the following command
from the same directory as you ran vagrant up :
$ vagrant halt
In case you wish to get rid of the Data Science Toolbox and start over, you can type:
$ vagrant destroy
Then, return to the instructions for Step 3 to set up the Data Science Toolbox again.
Essential Concepts and Tools
In Chapter 1 , we briefly showed you what the command line is. Now that you have
your own Data Science Toolbox, we can really get started. In this section, we discuss
several concepts and tools that you will need to know in order to feel comfortable
doing data science at the command line. If, up to now, you have been mainly working
with graphical user interfaces, this might be quite a change. But don't worry, we'll
start at the beginning, and very gradually go to more advanced topics.
This section is not a complete course in GNU/Linux. We will only
explain the concepts and tools that are relevant for doing data sci‐
ence at the command line. One of the advantages of the Data Sci‐
ence Toolbox is that a lot is already set up. If you wish to know
more about GNU/Linux, consult “Further Reading” on page 27 at
the end of this chapter.
The Environment
So you've just logged into a brand new environment. Before we do anything, it's
worthwhile to get a high-level understanding of this environment. The environment
is roughly defined by four layers, which we briefly discuss from the top down:
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