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Example 2-2. Coniguring Vagrant
Vagrant . require_version ">= 1.5.0"
Vagrant . configure ( 2 ) do | config |
config . vm . box = "data-science-toolbox/data-science-at-the-command-line"
config . vm . network "forwarded_port" , guest : 8000 , host : 8000
config . vm . provider "virtualbox" do | vb |
vb . gui = true
vb . memory = 2048
vb . cpus = 2
Require at least version 1.5.0 of Vagrant.
Forward port 8000. This is useful if you want to view a figure you created, as we
do in Chapter 7 .
Launch a graphical user interface.
Use 2 GB of memory.
Use 2 CPUs.
Step 4: Log In (on Linux and Mac OS X)
If you are running Linux, Mac OS X, or some other Unix-like operating system, you
can log in to the Data Science Toolbox by running the following command in a
$ vagrant ssh
After a few seconds, you will be greeted with the following message:
Welcome to the Data Science Toolbox for Data Science at the Command Line
Based on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.13.0-24-generic x86_64)
* Data Science at the Command Line:
* Data Science Toolbox:
* Ubuntu documentation:
Last login: Tue Jul 22 19:33:16 2014 from
Step 4: Log In (on Microsoft Windows)
If you are running Microsoft Windows, you need to either run Vagrant with a graphi‐
cal user interface (refer back to Step 2 on how to set that up) or use a third-party
application in order to log in to the Data Science Toolbox. For the latter, we
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