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printed to stdout.
-r <name>
The name of the relation.
Whether to print debug informations.
The seed for random function (default 1)
-n <num>
The number of examples to generate (default 100)
-A <num>
The amplitude multiplier (default 1.0).
-R <num>..<num>
The range x is randomly drawn from (default -10.0..10.0).
-N <num>
The noise rate (default 0.0).
-V <num>
The noise variance (default 1.0).
Now that's usable. The following class, for example, is not usable:
$ weka filters.SimpleFilter -h
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: -h
at Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.forName(
at weka.filters.Filter.main(
The following pipeline runs weka with the -h option for every class in weka.jar and
saves the standard output and standard error to a file with the same name as the class:
$ unzip -l $WEKAPATH /weka.jar |
> sed -rne 's/.*(weka)\/([^g])([^$]*)\.class$/\2\3/p' |
> tr '/' '.' |
> parallel --timeout 1 -j4 -v "weka {} -h > {} 2>&1"
We now have 749 files. With the following command, we save the filename of every
files that does not contain the string Exception to weka.classes :
$ grep -L 'Exception' * | tee $WEKAPATH /weka.classes
This still comes down to 332 classes! Here are a few classes that might be of interest:
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