Database Reference
In-Depth Information
• Running ordinary commands on remote machines
• Distributing local data directly among remote machines
• Sending files to remote machines, processing them, and retrieving the results
Get a List of Running AWS EC2 Instances
In this section, we're creating a file named instances that will contain one hostname of
a remote machine per line. We're using Amazon Web Services in this section. If you're
using a different cloud computing service, or have your own servers, make sure that
you create an instances file yourself.
We can obtain a list of running AWS EC2 instances from the command line using
aws , the command-line interface to the AWS API (Amazon Web Services, 2014). If
you're not using the Data Science Toolbox, install awscli using pip (PyPA, 2014) as
$ pip install awscli
With aws , you can virtually do everything you can do with the online AWS Manage‐
ment Console. We just use this tool to obtain a list of running EC2 instances from
AWS, but it can do a lot more. We assume that you know how to launch instances,
either through the online AWS Management Console or through the aws command-
line tool.
The command aws ec2 describe-instances returns a lot of information about all
your EC2 instances in JSON format (see the AWS documentation . We extract the rel‐
evant fields using jq :
$ aws ec2 describe-instances | jq '.Reservations[].Instances[] | ' \
> '{public_dns: .PublicDnsName, state: .State.Name}'
"state": "running",
"public_dns": ""
"state": "stopped",
"public_dns": null
The possible states of an EC2 instance are pending , running , shutting-down , termi‐
nated , stopping , and stopped . Because we can only distribute our pipeline to running
instances, we filter out the nonrunning instances:
$ aws ec2 describe-instances | jq -r '.Reservations[].Instances[] | ' \
> 'select(.State.Name=="running") | .PublicDnsName' > instances
$ cat instances
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