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In this case we need to use a while loop because Bash does not know beforehand
how many lines the input consists of.
Although the curly braces around the line variable are not necessary in this case
(because variable names cannot contain periods), it's still good practice.
This redirection can also be placed before while .
You can also provide input to the while loop interactively by specifying the special
file standard input /dev/stdin . Press <Ctrl-D> when you're done:
$ while read i; do echo "You typed: $i." ; done < /dev/stdin
You typed: one.
You typed: two.
You typed: three.
This method, however, has the disadvantage that, once you press <Enter> , the com‐
mand(s) between do and done are run immediately for that line of input.
Looping Over Files
In this section, we discuss the third type of item that we often need to loop over: files.
To handle special characters, use globbing (i.e., pathname expansion) instead of ls :
$ for filename in *.csv
> do
> echo "Processing ${filename}."
> done
Processing countries.csv.
Just as with brace expansion with numbers, the *.csv is first expanded into a list
before it is processed by the for loop. A more elaborate alternative to finding files is
find (Youngman, 2008), which:
• Allows for elaborate searching on properties such as size, access time, and per‐
• Handles dashes
• Handles special characters such as spaces and newlines
$ find data -name '*.csv' -exec echo "Processing {}" \;
Processing data/countries.csv
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