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Now, we can use Rio again, but with an expression that builds up a ggplot2
$ < data/immigration-long.csv Rio -ge 'g + geom_bar(aes(Country, Count,' \
> ' fill=Period), stat="identity") + scale_fill_brewer(palette="Set1") ' \
> '+ labs(x="Country of origin", y="Immigration by decade", title=' \
> '"Immigration from Northern Europe\n(columstacked histogram)")' | display
The -g option specifies that Rio should load the ggplot2 package. The output is an
image in PNG format ( Figure 7-2 ). You can view the PNG image via display , which
is part of ImageMagick (ImageMagick Studio LLC, 2009) or you can redirect the out‐
put to a PNG file. If you're on a remote terminal then you probably won't be able to
see any graphics. A workaround for this is to launch a web server from a particular
$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000
Figure 7-2. Immigration plot by Rio and ggplot2
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