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that the dashed line should snap at the midpoint and at one-third
lengths from either end of the curtain wall.
3. Using the default All Segments placement option on the ribbon, add
three grid lines along the horizontal and vertical directions. At this
point the curtain wall should look like Figure 2.18.
FigUreĀ 2.18 Completed curtain grid lines
4. Now that you've added curtain grids, you can add mullions to the
curtain panel. Select the Mullion tool from the Build panel, and
choose the All Grid Lines placement option on the ribbon
(Figure 2.18).
5. Hover the cursor over any of the curtain grid lines, and they should
all highlight, indicating where the mullions will be placed. Left-click
and mullions will be assigned to all empty grid lines (in this example
they should be added everywhere). Press the Esc key once to exit the
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