Graphics Programs Reference
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Figure 8.10 Adding room separation lines
Compare your completed floor plan to the example file c08-ex8.2end.rvt ,
available for download from the topic's web page.
exercise 8.3: Delete a room Object
In this exercise, we will explore what happens when you delete a room object,
observe the unplaced room in a schedule, and then replace the room object in
the floor plan.
From the topic's web page ( ),
download the project file c08-ex8.3start.rvt . If you completed Exercise 8.2,
you can begin the following steps where you left off:
1. From the Level 1 floor plan, delete the Small Meeting room in the
upper-left corner by selecting and deleting the room object. A warn-
ing appears in the lower-right corner of the application. This warning
tells you that the room you just deleted will remain in the project and
can be removed or added back by deleting it from or adding it to a
room schedule.
2. Go to the View tab's Create panel, click the Schedules flyout, and
click Schedule/Quantities.
3. Select Rooms from the Category list, and click OK.
4. Add the following fields to the room schedule in this order:
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