Graphics Programs Reference
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FIgure 7.11 Curtain systems added to the mass
exercise 7.9: Create a roof from a Mass
Open the file c07-ex-07.9start.rvt to begin this exercise.
1. The last building element needed to enclose the design is the roof.
Click the Massing & Site tab, and choose the Roof By Face tool.
2. Click the four horizontal surfaces that need a roof element. Then
click the Create Roof button from the ribbon.
3. Type the keyboard shortcut VG to access the Visibility/Graphic
Overrides dialog box. Turn the Floors category back on.
4. Uncheck the Mass category in the same dialog.
5. Click OK. Your finished schematic design should resemble
Figure 7.12.
FIgure 7.12 Finished schematic design
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