Graphics Programs Reference
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Figure 6.22 Adding a new reference plane and keeping it
equally spaced
Modifying Content in a Family
Making changes to a hosted component is an important part of modifying exist-
ing content. This window family is full of dimension parameters that control
different types. You do not need to create new geometry from scratch; you can
modify what is already in the family. This approach may seem like cheating, but
this is usually how content is modified. In addition to this process being effi-
cient, the geometry that you modify will likely continue to “remember” existing
relationships to reference planes and other parameters.
7. Select the Frame/Mullion Extrusion, and click Edit Extrusion from
the ribbon (Figure 6.23).
8. Sketch new internal lines, as shown in Figure 6.24, to split the
window into three panels. Before you finish the sketch, delete
the sketch segments between the new lines (for example, by using the
Split tool with the Delete Inner Segment option checked from
the Options Bar). When complete, the sketch should look like the
blue highlighted area in Figure 6.24.
9. Click the green check button on the ribbon to finish the sketch.
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