Graphics Programs Reference
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Figure 6.8 Set Detail Levels to Fine only
4. Select both cabinet face panel extrusions (there are two separate
extrusions that make up the front of the cabinet: the border and the
recessed panel). Change the visibility settings so they show up at
the Medium and Fine levels of detail but not Coarse.
5. Next, you want to do the same for the model lines since they also dis-
play in 3D views. An easy way to select only the model lines is to
use the Filter tool. Select everything in the 3D view and click Filter
from the Selection ribbon panel.
6. Click Check None, and then check Lines (Casework). Click OK to
return to the model with only the lines selected (Figure 6.9).
7. Click the Visibility Settings button on the Modify tab of the ribbon
and uncheck Coarse. Click OK to return to the model. Next, you want
to select just the lines around the hardware extrusions. From the
same 3D view window, select around the hardware and use the Filter
tool again to select just Lines (Casework). Open the Family Element
Visibility Settings dialog again and also uncheck Medium so only
Fine is checked (Figure 6.10).
8. Open the Front Elevation view. Select the dashed elevation swing
lines (eight of them) and click Visibility Settings from the ribbon.
Uncheck Coarse so you also do not see these lines in the project when
the cabinet doors are not visible.
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