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the strong core strong-core( g ) of g is a subset of X , such that for each
x ∈ strong-core( g ) ⊆ X,
there does not exist another consequence x
V ( C )
X and a
coalition C
N , such that
x i,B i x
C ,where B i
holds for each member i
is agent i 's opinion.
What is not explicitly mentioned in Definition 3.8 is that for the
consequence x
X and coalition C
N , although
x i,B i x
C , whether or not
holds for each member i
x i,B i x
holds is irrelevant. That is to say, when we consider whether a conse-
quence x is in the strong core, we must not find a defecting coalition
C , and another consequence x , such that all members of C unani-
mously agree that x is better than x , even though some members of
C might concurrently hold the opinion that x is also better than x .
Intuitively, if such C and x can be found, then the defecting coali-
tion C can be successfully formed with the consequence x that every
member of C prefers.
Example 3.21
Consider again the coalition
n 1 =
A 1 ,A 2 }
and the consequence
x 1 =(movie , movie , movie , movie)
in Example 3.19. We can show that x 1 is also in the strong core of the
NTU-IU game that n 1 plays. This is because with the evidences
E = { (Director = Spielberg) (Type = S.F.) },
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