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Proof If all agents' beliefs are accurate, then for any two coalition
structure CS and CS and any two agent i and j ,wehave
bel i ( b j|CS j b j|CS )
b j|CS j b j|CS .
This implies that the fulfilment of condition 1) in Definition 5.5 also
implies the fulfilment of condition 2). By Definitions 5.4 and 5.5, the
core of a NTU-Buyer game is the same as the b-core in this case.
In general, we have the following result.
Theorem 5.3
Given two NTU-Buyer games
g =
i ) ,B
g =
N,G, (
i ) ,B
N,G, (
we have
b-core( g )
b-core( g )
if B is more accurate than B .
Proof Consider an objection in the game g against a coalition struc-
ture S 1 . By Definition 5.5, there exists an alternative coalition struc-
ture S 2 , a coalition C ,abid b , a coalition C
S 2 and an agent i
such that, for each agent k
C ,wehave
bel i ( b 1 k b ( S 1 )) .
There are only two cases to consider here. First, if both the belief bel i
and bel i are accurate, then the result of the two games will be the same,
meaning that either they are both valid objections, or both invalid.
Second, if bel i is accurate but bel i is not, then the latter objection
would be invalid. Thus, we see that any valid objection for the game
g is also a valid objection for the game g ,hence
b-core( g ) .
b-core( g )
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