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Problem with Beliefs
g =
N,G, (
i ) ,B
defined as follows.
N =
1 , 2 ,...,n
is a set of agents and any subset C
N is called
a buyer coalition.
G =
g 1 ,g 2 ,...,g m }
is a set of goods being sold.
The preference of each agent i is represented by a total ordered
preference relation
i on the set of possible bids, so that for any
two bids b 1 =( g 1 ,s 1 )and b 2 =( g 2 ,s 2 ), we have b 1 i b 2 if agent i
prefers b 1 to b 1 .
Each agent i maintains beliefs regarding other agents' preferences
which is represented by a relation bel i , so that for two agents i and
j ,wewrite bel i ( b 1 j b 2 ) if agent i believes that agent j considers
his bid b 1 as no less preferred than b 2 . The set of all beliefs of all
agents in a NTU-buyer game is represented by a belief profile
B =
bel 1 ,bel 2 ,...,bel n }
where bel i is the private beliefs of the i -th agent.
Intuitively, the goal of the game is to partition the set of agents
(buyers) into a coalition structure of exhaustive and non-overlapping
coalitions so that the i -th coalition places a bid for the i -th product.
For this reason, we define a bid by a couple
b =( g i ,s ) ,
where g i
. Given a coalition structure CS ,we
use C j ( CS ) to denote the coalition in CS of which the agent j is a
member, and b j|CS to denote its corresponding bid. That is,
G and 0 <s
b j|CS =( g i ,
C i |
such that j ∈ C i and C i ∈ CS .
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