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Definition 4.1 (NTU-PB Games) A Non-transferable Uti lity
Games with Private Beliefs (NTU-PB games) is a tuple
g =
N,A, (
i ) ,B
defined as follows. Let
N =
1 , 2 ,...,m
be a set of m agents and let any subset C
N be called a coalition.
There is a set A of possible actions that are available to the agents so
that each member of the same coalition jointly choose an action a
A .
The preference of each agent i is represented by a preference relation
i on the set 2 N
×A of coalitional acts . Each agent i maintains beliefs
regarding other agents' preferences, which is represented by a relation
bel i , so that for two agents i and j ,wewrite bel i ( α 1 j α 2 ) if agent
i believes that agent j prefers coalitional act α 1 to coalitional act α 2 ,
α 1 2
2 N
A . The set of all beliefs of all agents in an NTU-PB
game is represented by a belief profile
B =
bel 1 ,bel 2 ,...,bel m }
where bel i is the private beliefs of agent i .
Example 4.7 To illustrate the above concept, let's refer to the
dating example in Example 4.3 again, which can be modelled as a
NTU-PB game
. In this case, the set N consists of
the three agents a , b ,and c . There is only one action available to
each coalition, which is to see the movie. That is, A = { movie } .
Each coalitional act consists of a set of one to three agents, together
with the only available action movie. For example, (
N,A, (
i ) ,B
,movie )
is a coalitional act, and its intuitive meaning is that agents a and
b go to see the movie together. The preference of each agent is a
personal ranking on each of the possible coalitional act. For exam-
ple, the agent a may prefer (
a, b
,movie ), de-
noted ( {a, b},movie ) a ( {a, b, c},movie ). Each agent also has a be-
lief regarding the other agents' preferences on the coalitional acts.
a, b
,movie )to(
a, b, c
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