Java Reference
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Anchoring a Chain
When you write the getResponsible() method for MachineComponent , you have to
consider that a MachineComponent object's parent might be null. Alternatively, you can
tighten up your object model, insisting that MachineComponent objects have a non-null
parent. To achieve this, add a parent argument to the constructor for MachineComponent .
(You may want to throw an exception if the supplied object is null.) Also consider that an
object will be the root —a distinguished object that has no parent. A reasonable approach is to
create a MachineRoot class as a subclass of MachineComposite (not
MachineComponent ). Then you can guarantee that a MachineComponent object always
has a responsible engineer if
The constructor(s) for MachineRoot require an Engineer object
The constructor(s) for MachineComponent require a non-null parent object that is
itself a MachineComponent
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