Biomedical Engineering Reference
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The results show that the patients present instability in
the frontal plane (increase in the adduction angle throughout
the cycle, correlating with their default in varus), and a
limitation in amplitude and peak flexion in the sagittal
plane, which had already been observed [NAG 12]. The
results of this study also reveal a decrease in amplitude of
axial rotation, internal rotation of the knee in stance phase
being almost inexistent in the patients (see Figure 5.11).
Figure 5.11. Comparison of evolution of the mean angle of internal-
external rotation of the knee in patients suffering from gonarthrosis (OA)
and the control group ((modified according to [BYT 14])
The patients also present a greater posterior translation
(displacement of the tibia behind the femur) than the control
group, particularly in the stance phase (see Figure 5.12).
Thus, this study provides objective evidence for the
kinematic alterations of the knee during gait, especially
those in the “screw-home” mechanism of the knee in the
group of patients. In the future, analyzing the
postarthroplasty functioning of the knee will allow us to
understand whether the modifications described can predict
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