Environmental Engineering Reference
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Fig. 4.2 Reaction in the subsoil to the tower loads acting on an annular foundation
M found
fixed-end moment at soil/structure interface
c s
foundation modulus
I found
second moment of area for area of foundation
Only the rotation of the foundation dependent on a short-term increase in the fixed-end
moment at the soil/structure interface is significant for the vibration calculation (see
Section 4.3) and the calculation of deformations at the serviceability limit state.
According to [53], the foundation modulus for determining the subsoil deformations
due to overturning amounts to
E s ; dyn
E s ; dyn
t found
A found
c s ; dyn ¼
f 0
E s,dyn
dynamic modulus of compressibility
A found
area of foundation
f 0 ¼ 0.25
shape factor for overturning
A found
t found ¼ 0 : 25
effective depth for antisymmetric action effect
Non-elastic rotations of the foundation must be considered as well when calculating
the deformations according to second-order theory at the ultimate limit state (see
Section 4.7.1). In the author's experience, these non-linear effects can be taken into
account approximately by assuming the static modulus of compressibility E s,stat instead
of the dynamic one.
We get the following ratios depending on the type of soil [53]:
a) Non-cohesive soils: 2 < E s,stat /E s,dyn < 4
b) Cohesive soils: 6 < E s,stat /E s,dyn < 20
Accordingly, the static foundation modulus is as follows:
E s ; stat
E s ; stat
t found
c s ; stat ¼
A found
f 0
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