Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Loadbearing structures and detailed design
The basic concepts for the analysis of towers according to second-order theory were
dealt with in Section 3. This section is intended to provide the reader with an overview
of the structural engineering plus special aspects of the design.
4.1 Basis for design
The following publications generally apply to the structural engineering for onshore
wind turbines:
- DIBt guideline [9]: Richtlinie f¨r Windenergieanlagen, Einwirkungen und Stand-
sicherheitsnachweise f¨r Turm und Gr¨ndung, March 2004
- DIN EN 61400-1 [16]: Wind turbines - Part 1: Design requirements, August 2007
The structural engineering for offshore wind turbines should be based on the following
publications when GL certification is required:
- GL Guideline [11]: Germanischer Lloyd WindEnergie GmbH (pub.): Rules and
Guidelines. IV Industrial Services - 2 Guideline for the Certification of Offshore
Wind Turbines, 2005
- DIN EN 61400-3 [10]: Wind turbines - Part 3: Design requirements for offshore
wind turbines, January 2010
The actions on wind turbines should be based on the following standards and guidelines
in particular:
- DIN 1055-100 [44]: Actions on structures - Part 100: Basis of design, safety concept
and design rules, March 2001
- DIN EN 1990 [45]: Basis of structural design, October 2002 - with DIN EN 1990/
NA 1 [46]: National Annex - Nationally determined parameters, 2010
- DIN 1055-4 [12]: Actions on structures - Part 4: Wind loads, March 2005, 1st
amendment, March 2006
- DIN 1055-9 [47]: Actions on structures - Part 9: Accidental actions, August 2003
The detailed design of wind turbine support structures in reinforced and prestressed
concrete should be based on the following standards and guidelines in particular:
- DIN 1045-1 [33]: Concrete, reinforced and prestressed concrete structures - Part 1:
Design and construction, August 2008
- DIN EN 1992-1 [48]: Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures - Part 1-1: General
rules and rules for buildings, 2005 - with DIN EN 1992-1-1/NA [36]: National
Annex - Nationally determined parameters, January 2011
- DAfStb No. 525 [35]: Erl¨uterungen zu DIN 1045-1, 2003 (new ed. 2010)
- DAfStb No. 439 [49]: Erm¨dungsfestigkeit von Stahl- und Spannbetonbauteilen mit
Erl¨uterungen zu den Nachweisen gem¨
CEB-FIP Model Code 1990
- DIN 1054 [50]: Ground - Verification of the safety of earthworks and foundations,
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