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As the name implies, in the Caption and border settings dialog window,
shown below, we can select which settings are related to borders and
captions. As we will see later, we can apply these settings not only to the
object we're adding to the template, but also for other objects. In practice,
this means that when we create a complete document template we will only
need to add these properties twice; once for objects with a caption, such as
listboxes, and once for objects without a caption, such as charts.
8. Enable the Show Caption checkbox, this will ensure that our caption settings
(or more specifically, no caption settings) will be included in the template.
9. Click on Next to go to Step 3c - Printer settings .
10. Leave all of the settings to their default value and click on Next to go to Step
4 - Insertion of properties in theme .
In this dialog window, shown in the following screenshot, we can specify which
objects we want to apply the Caption & Border and Printing settings to.
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