Databases Reference
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In the Movies Database document, a drill down can be found on the tab labeled
Traditional OLAP . Let's go there.
This drill down follows the path Director | Title | Actor . Click on the Director
A. Edward Sutherland to drill down to all movies that he directed, shown in
the following screenshot. Next, click on Every Day's A Holiday to see which
actors starred in that movie. When drilling down, we can always go back to the
previous level by clicking on the upward arrow, located at the top of the list-box
in this example.
Containers are used to alternate between the display of different objects in the same
screen space. We can select the individual objects by selecting the corresponding
tab within the container. Our Movies Database example includes a container on the
Analysis sheet.
The container contains two objects, a chart showing Average length of Movies
over time and a table showing the Movie List , shown in the following screenshot.
The chart is shown by default, you can switch to the Movie List by clicking on the
corresponding tab at the top of the object.
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