Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
Suppose we have a QlikView file, with an already constructed data model and all of
the composing tables properly associated. We now want to use this same model in
another QlikView document, adding just a few more tables. The process for binary
loading a QVW is as follows:
Create a brand new QlikView document and save it to the disk.
Open the Edit Script window ( Ctrl + E or File | Edit Script… )
Click on QlikView File… button, located in the Data tab.
4. Browse to the QlikView file we want to read and click on Open .
A new script statement will be created at the top of the active script tab,
which will be something like Binary [file name.qvw] ;
The Binary statement must be the first statement to be
executed in the script, so it has to be always at the top of
the first (left-most) script tab. Also, only one binary load
is allowed in a QlikView script.
At this point, we can add more tables to the already-loaded data model as we
would normally do. After reloading the script, the data model will now be in
the new QlikView document, along with any other added tables.
A Binary load statement is the fastest way to load data into a
QlikView document.
In the environment we've been working throughout the topic, can you ind a use case
for a Binary load? Which would it be?
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