Databases Reference
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Sum({$<PeriodID = {"<=$(=Max(PeriodID) - 12)"}, Year =
{"$(=Max(Year) - 1)"}, Quarter = , Month = , Period = > } [#
Departures Performed]))
- 1
• Current month versus same month last year
(Sum({$<PeriodID = {"$(=Max(PeriodID))"}, Year = , Quarter = ,
Month = , Period = > } [# Departures Performed])
Sum({$<PeriodID = {"$(=Max(PeriodID) - 12)"}, Year = , Quarter = ,
Month = , Period = > } [# Departures Performed]))
- 1
• Current month versus previous month
(Sum({$<PeriodID = {"$(=Max(PeriodID))"}, Year = , Quarter = ,
Month = , Period = > } [# Departures Performed])
Sum({$<PeriodID = {"$(=Max(PeriodID) - 1)"}, Year = , Quarter = ,
Month = , Period = > } [# Departures Performed]))
- 1
The preceding expressions are used to obtain the variance
percentage from one period to the other. To obtain the
actual numbers corresponding to each period, or the net
change, these expressions can be adjusted.
However, the expressions alone are nothing if we don't create some charts to make
use of them. Take a moment to create some visualization objects, such as gauge
charts, straight tables, and so on, that allow HighCloud Airlines' executives to get the
performance overview they need in terms of period-over-period relative growth.
We have included some chart examples in the solution
file corresponding to this chapter.
Enabling additional period comparisons
The same concept used to build the PeriodID field can be used for the QuarterID
field. We can easily and seamlessly create a lot of expressions for Point In Time
Reporting after we've created the Calendar table with at least the following fields:
Year , Month , Quarter , PeriodID , and QuarterID .
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