Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
By looking at the Flights table box, shown in the following screenshot, we can see
that the selected aircrafts indeed have no flight data associated with them:
Of course, it can be very useful for a business analyst to see which dimensions do
not have any fact data associated with them. For that reason, it may be worthwhile
to keep this information in the model. Whenever these types of issues present
themselves, it is important to check with the business users what their wishes are.
For our example, we will remove the aircraft types that do not have any associated
flight data. To do that, follow these steps:
Open the Script Editor window by selecting File | Edit Script in the menu
bar, or by pressing Ctrl + E .
Go to the Aircrafts tab.
Locate the following Load statement:
Aircraft Types]:
AC_TYPEID as [%Aircraft Type ID],
AC_GROUP as [%Aircraft Group Type],
SSD_NAME as [Aircraft Name],
MANUFACTURER as [Aircraft Manufacturer],
'Unknown') as [Aircraft Manufacturer
LONG_NAME as [Aircraft Name Full],
SHORT_NAME as [Aircraft Name Abbreviated],
BEGIN_DATE as [Aircraft Begin Date],
END_DATE as [Aircraft End Date],
If(Year(BEGIN_DATE) < 1990,
'Classic', 'Current') as [Aircraft Age Classification]
(txt, codepage is 1252, embedded labels, delimiter is ';', msq);
From the preceding script, remove the semicolon ( ; ) at the end and press
Return to create a new line.
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