Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
Data Modeling Best Practices
In Chapter 4 , Data Modeling , we started working with data modeling in QlikView and
reviewed some guidelines to follow when designing a data model. Now that we have
also reviewed how data manipulation via a script can be performed in QlikView,
we are ready to expand on both topics and review some best practices to accomplish
better and cleaner data model designs. We'll talk about how to overcome common
modeling challenges, such as multiple fact tables, and look at various techniques for
assuring that our data models are consistent and do not contain unnecessary data.
Additionally, we will look at some best practices for dealing with date and
time information.
We will learn how to:
• Make sure data models are consistent
• Work with complex data models and multiple fact tables
• Reduce storage requirements for a dataset
• Deal with date and time information
Let's get started!
Data consistency
The first set of best practices that we present on data modeling are those related to
data consistency. This is one of the most important things we need to take care of
when building QlikView documents. Let's look at some best practices that we can
use to assure our data is concise and consistent.
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