Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
In the Sort by section, uncheck the Text option, and mark the Load
Order checkbox.
Click on OK to apply the settings and close the Multi Box Properties page.
The resulting multi box should look like the one shown in the following screenshot.
Notice how the list of values is expandable when clicking on each field. Also note
that the sort order for the Distance Interval is no longer alphabetical, but uses the
order in which the values were loaded into QlikView:
During this exercise, you may have noticed that, unlike the listbox, the Sort tab for
the multi box contains multiple fields and that we can set different sort orders for
each field. This is also the case for the alignment options on the Presentation tab and
the number format options on the Number tab. This is not only true for multi boxes,
but for any object that contains multiple dimensions and/or expressions, such as
table boxes and charts.
The Current Selections Box
QlikView lets us select data in many different ways: listboxes, clicking in charts and
entering search terms, just to name a few. While this is incredibly flexible, it can also
become hard to see which information is actually selected at any given moment.
Fortunately, QlikView has an option to show the user exactly which selections are
currently applied to the data: the Current Selections dialog. To open this dialog, we
simply need to press Ctrl + Q or select View | Current Selections from the menu
bar. This floats the Current Selections dialog window on top of our worksheet. Once
we have had a glance at the Current Selections window, we can close the dialog.
It is sometimes useful to permanently display the Current Selections dialog. This
is where the Current Selections Box object comes in handy. To add a Current
Selections Box object to our Dashboard sheet, follow these steps:
Select Layout | New Sheet Object | Current Selections Box .
Click on OK to apply the settings and close the New Current Selections Box
dialog window.
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