Agriculture Reference
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Periodically, such research provides unambiguous progress,
and this did happen in the aforementioned study. In addition
to comparing bedding versus slatted floors, the author evalu-
ated a third system, which was bedding with an additive that
reduced the bedding's pH to improve the sanitation of the bed-
ding. Results from this study and previous studies found that
this additive did indeed reduce bacterial concentrations and
even fly survival, providing more insight on strategies that can
improve the bedding conditions of calf housing.
One cannot discuss animal welfare without addressing how
livestock are handled, restrained, managed, and transported.
One of the most famous animal scientists is Dr. Temple Grandin,
and anyone who watched the HBO film about her life (titled
Temple Grandin ) knows that she designed facilities and handling
methods that reduce stress in cattle while also making han-
dling easier for workers. More than any other she understands
the mind of an animal, and her keen insights have revolution-
ized how livestock are treated on farms and in slaughtering
facilities. For instance, animal science students today learn
about the “flight zones” of different livestock species, which
allows one to direct animals to their intended destination with
less stress and injury for both humans and animals. Compared
to thirty years ago, livestock handlers today use electric prods
less often, and are gentler, quieter, and more aware of how the
animal is thinking. Grandin didn't just change the equipment
that industry uses, but the cultural norms about how animals
perceive their environments and are handled by humans.
With other animal scientists and the livestock industry,
Grandin has developed objective auditing procedures that
companies can use to identify problem areas, like slippery
floors. This makes it easier for a company's overall welfare
standards to be audited, and auditing is important if the
company wishes to assure customers that its methods are
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