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when they apply for a job. All in all, there's a great premium
placed on being correct.
The Superior French?
Another legend that dies hard is that the French think they
are 'superior'. (Didn't the word 'chauvinism' come from
the French?) Then again, think of how the French look at
their lives. They were brought up with an intense cultural
pride—a 2,000-year-old history, a continual refinement of
values and an adherence to the best traditions will do that
for you. They have been taught to be proud of their heritage
and language, their literature, art, fashion, wine and cuisine,
and even the beauty of their capital. Aren't these things worth
being proud of, and isn't this one of the reasons we all love
to come to Paris? It isn't that a French person feels superior
to any one particular foreigner, it's just that, all things said,
the French—no matter of which generation—believe and
feel deeply in their souls that it is excellent to be French.
And it's rather nice, is it not, to be proud of who you are
and where you live?
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