Travel Reference
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throughout Paris, it is becoming popular year round. Parisian
glaciers (ice cream makers and parlours) often make their
creations on the premises using fresh ingredients. What
makes French ice cream so delicious is that the flavours taste
so real. Moreover, with smaller portions and less butterfat
than the imported ice creams, a dish or cone of French glace
is not overwhelming. Despite the popularity of ice cream,
Paris' most celebrated glacier , Berthillon, closes for most of
the summer, but some groceries and eating establishments
carry their ice cream. Häagen-Dazs has more than a dozen
outlets throughout Paris and is available at supermarkets.
See Glaciers in the Yellow Pages . My favourites:
4 e : Berthillon; 31 rue St-Louis-en-l'Ile; tel:
6 e : Ben and Jerry's; 1 rue du Four; tel:
7 e : Martine Lambert; 192 rue de Grenelle; tel:
14 e : Glacier Calabrese; 15 rue d'Odessa; tel:
Restauration Rapide
For quick meals, it is easy to find a casse-croûte (sometimes
called le snack ). Bars offer pre-made sandwichs, bakeries
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