Travel Reference
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seems calm. However, if the apartment has double vitrage
(double-glazed) windows, much of the street noise will be
filtered out when windows are closed.
Most, but not all, buildings have lifts. Think twice about
renting or purchasing an apartment above the third floor of a
building without a lift. Although the view may be lovely and
the breeze cooling, it can get tedious climbing the stairs day
after day, especially when carrying groceries, and the charm
will fade quickly. If you wouldn't live in such a building at
home, don't do it in Paris.
Decide whether having a concierge who lives on the
premises is important, as increasing numbers of buildings
have replaced them with a digicode (key panel) or interphone
system for secure entry. In this case, inquire as to how
packages are received, how garbage is removed and how
maintenance of the building is performed. Instead of a
concierge, many buildings now have a gardien , who is
responsible for the maintenance of the building but not for
personal services.
When you see an apartment, inspect the appliances, if
there are any. Since most kitchens come empty except for the
sink—for rentals as well as purchase—some people negotiate
the purchase of kitchen appliances and cupboards from the
former resident. Otherwise, expect to purchase them for
yourself, either new or used through ads in FUSAC .
Check the electrical wiring and whether all outlets for
major appliances are grounded. Inquire about the heating
system and check the hot water for temperature and
pressure (especially in the shower). Ask whether the heating
is chauffage collectif , meaning that heating is paid by the
building and included in the building charges; or chauffage
individuel , meaning that the resident pays directly for the
heating. In this regard, look carefully at how well the windows
close, for Paris is cold in winter and hot in summer. As most
buildings have no air conditioning, see if there is more
than one exposure, as cross ventilation can at least bring a
welcome breeze.
Inspect the facilities in the basement, including your
cave (storage area in basement). Newer buildings may have
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