Image Processing Reference
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As the number of training samples N increases, the trained filter becomes closer to
the optimal, i.e.,
The error between the optimum filter and the filter implemented within an n -
point window and trained on N training samples consists of two components.
n ,
nN n
total error = constraint error + estimation error
The first component is known as the constraint error and is due to the filter being
restricted to an n -point window. The second component is known as the estimation
error and results from the fact that the number of training samples is finite. The con-
straint error is deterministic , i.e., it is fixed and repeatable for a given problem. The
estimation error is stochastic . This means that it is a statistical quantity and will
vary if the design process is repeated a number of times with different training data.
As has been seen in early examples, the constraint error reduces with increas-
ing n . The bigger the window, the more accurate the filter.
The estimation error reduces with increased training as can be seen in
Fig. 4.9(a). 1 Notice that the estimation error for smaller windows converges very
rapidly. However for some of the larger windows, the convergence is very slow
and even after 700,000 samples the 21-point window is showing a larger estima-
tion error than the smaller windows did at the start. This error is because the filter
is undertrained, i.e., the amount of training data is insufficient. The amount of
data required to reduce the estimation error to a reasonable level may be impossi-
bly large. When combined with the convergence error, the total error versus train-
ing data is shown in Fig. 4.9(b). The filters implemented in the smaller windows
converge very quickly. The filters implemented in larger windows eventually
converge to a lower error, but this can take a long time. For any given amount of
data, a different window size might give the lowest error. For example, after
100,000 samples, the 9-point window gives the best filter but by 200,000 samples
it has been superseded by the 13-point window. Eventually the 21-point window
will give the lowest error, but this is still a long way away. In fact even after
700,000 samples, the results of filtering with the 21-point window are still worse
than the original noisy image.
To illustrate this point, the results of Fig. 4.9 are presented differently in
Fig. 4.10(a). The total error for any given filter is plotted against window size for
fixed amounts of training data. For any size of training set, the error will fall to a
minimum as the size of the window increases, after which it will rise very rapidly.
Increasing the training set by an order of magnitude only serves to move the mini-
mum to a slightly larger value of window size.
Depending on the problem, a smaller window might be sufficient. In the case of
the graph in Fig. 4.10(b) the corrupting process was 5% salt-and-pepper noise. A
small window size (5 points) was capable of removing much of the noise and
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