Image Processing Reference
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Figure 2.6 Design strategy. A table of observations is constructed by sliding the filter window
through the noisy image I n and for each location, either column N 0 or N 1 is incremented de-
pending on whether the value of the corresponding pixel in the ideal image I o is 0 or 1, respec-
However, even if the designer was willing to do this, the process does not scale well
and is impractical for anything other than very small filter windows.
Fortunately, there is a more intelligent strategy for identifying the optimum fil-
ter (see Fig. 2.6). The key feature here is the table of observations. The three col-
umns on the left show all combinations of the input variables x =( X 0 , X 1 , X 2 ).
This table is constructed by sliding the three-point window through image I n .
All of the values in the two columns on the right are initially set to zero. At each lo-
cation, the pixel values within the input window correspond to one line in the table.
If the corresponding pixel value in the ideal image I o is 0, then the value in column
N 0 is incremented; if it is 1 then the value in column N 1 is incremented. This is re-
peated for every location in the image. At the end of this process the two columns on
the right, N 0 and N 1, indicate the number of times that the value of the corresponding
pixel observed in the ideal image I o was 0 or 1 for each input combination x .
At the end of the process, the two columns on the right contain counts of the
number of times the corresponding pixel in the ideal image was either 0 or 1 for
each input combination.
The resulting table can be used to:
Design the optimum filter,
Measure its error, and
Measure the increase in error by using any suboptimal filter.
2.7 Minimizing the MAE
Consider the line in the table of observation corresponding to x = (1, 0, 1). As previ-
ously explained, a pixel value of 1 corresponds to black and 0 corresponds to white.
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