Image Processing Reference
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Figure 8.7 Three-point running median filter implemented via a stack filter.
lies in the top half of the dynamic range of the output, i.e., L /2 k L -1.Otherwise
it lies in the bottom half, so 0 k L /2. Next the value in the middle of the top half
y 3 L /4 is computed and the process continues until the precise value of k is located.
An elegant way of implementing this strategy is using a bit-serial approach .
The gray level value of the output signal y is determined one bit at a time starting
with the most significant bit. The value of each bit indicates if the output lies in the
top or bottom half of the range.
A further observation that can result in a drastic reduction in computation time
is that the grayscale output y must always be the same as one of the time-delayed
(unthresholded) input values x t , i.e., given that
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