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The Three Wise Men of Dope:
Herbert Huncke, Gregory Corso, and Marty Matz
“…they were slinking criminals, like Elmer Hassel, with that hip sneer…”
— JACK KEROUAC, On the Road
It was the winter of 2002, in the tiny Delta town of Sumner, Mississippi when Robert
Campbell, my brother-in-law and ex-Chelsea dweller, turned to me:
“Hey, y'ever heard of Herbert Huncke? I used to live next to that guy.”
I had never heard of Herbert Huncke, and I was a writer with a Ph.D. in literature.
Robert maintained that Huncke (rhymes with funky) was the first Beat poet. I countered
that I had read On the Road several times and never heard of Huncke. I had also read the
works of the less lionized Beats: Orlovsky, Ferlinghetti, Corso, and Cassady. I had been to
my fair share of Allen Ginsberg's poetry readings and a lecture he shared with William Bur-
roughs. I had lived in San Francisco, Denver, and Boulder—all Beat cities—where I drank
beer at bars where the Beats drank beer. I talked with Diane DiPrima about her dabblings in
the occult. I once ran into Peter Orlovsky in a crosswalk.
Yet, I had never heard of Herbert Huncke.
The very next Sunday morning—no joke—I was reading the newspaper and my eyes
landedonabookreviewof—whatelse— The Herbert Huncke Reader, hotoffthepresses.It
ing light to the Beats. Not only a Beat writer, but the first Beat writer, exactly as Robert had
claimed. In fact Huncke was the man who gave the word beat to the Beat Generation.
I did more research and found that, indeed, the aging, withered Herbert Huncke whom
Robert had befriended was a dark luminary, a Baudelaire of 42nd Street. Huncke was the
Beats' urban psychopomp, who guided the young Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg, and Wil-
liam Burroughs through New York's mean streets, its seamy side, the underworld of petty
conmen, drug addicts, winos and prostitutes that was 42nd Street in the 1940s. When they
berg were just two antsy, middle class Columbia students, and Burroughs just out of Har-
vard. They found more reality in Huncke's gritty, close-to-the-bone New York milieu than
in the rarified oxygen of Professor Lionel Trilling's office.
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