Travel Reference
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Then David Kramer called me up and said “What's with the coat?” He had a
really intimidating voice.
I told him the story of the jacket.
“Well,” he said, “there are some people who don't want this information
So I was thinking, “Whoa, did I step on the Mafia's feet or something?” It
startled me very badly. “Oh my God,” I thought. “I'm in trouble!” I knew Devon
had been pushed out of the Chelsea window and there had been some bad con-
nections involved. Then, when I was trying to get through to Jimi Hendrix's es-
tate, there were people in their twenties answering the phone and telling me that
Iwaswrongaboutthejacket.Iwouldsaytothem,“Youweren'teven born atthe
time! How can you tell me I'm not telling the truth?” It's like they were saying
to me, “Go away and shut up. Just be glad someone doesn't push you out a win-
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