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all containing
the same
stale urine
embedded in the
New York City
Beneath it, in red marker, a critic had penned a response:
Go back to Peoria, sucka!
At the Chelsea, such missives-left-behind are not uncommon. Julie Eakin, who moved into
her room during the mid-80s, found a giant fresco scribbled onto her wall.
We got our room from a couple who had to break their lease. I think they were
from New Zealand. They had left us a jar of marmalade on the mantel, and two
black coats in the closet—one woman's coat and one man's coat. They were our
sizes perfectly, and they were very hip!
huge! The part that I remember said, “You started it!”
It was Room 319, which is on the front of the hotel, just to the right of the
lower part of the famous Hotel Chelsea sign. There are two French doors that
lead out onto the balcony there. We actually had a hot plate and a toaster oven in
our room, because that was the only way we could cook. It was probably illegal,
due to fire codes, but I'm sure they knew that we were doing it, because all we
had was a bathroom sink in the corner. So we would make Thanksgiving dinner
in the toaster oven!
When my mom visited, I think I did begin to see it through her eyes. There
were extraordinarily huge water bugs and roaches. She was absolutely appalled.
I don't blame her! I remember watching her clean my phone at some point, and
thinking, “Oh, it never occurred to me to clean a phone!”
It was such a dump! Those couple of floors, the second and third floors, we still
regard as “the dump floors.” The rooms were a mess, the hallway smelled of pot
and cat piss! 7
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