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Now, the artists are all out here in Brooklyn, but it's much, much more dispersed
than it was in Manhattan. Brooklyn is so vast and spread out.
I'm sure people create there now as artists, but I seriously doubt with the rent so
high, that a young person—a young artist could afford to live there.
I went back a year later, and this fragile ecosystem had disappeared. I know
it isn't there now.
I don't know where the Bohemians have gone. They can't afford these areas.
They went to Brooklyn, to Williamsburg, but now these places are changing too.
a fancy name, is now gentrified, very expensive and very exclusive. Avenues A,
That's what's happening to the city. I don't know where they're going. Some
are moving to Brooklyn. Hell's Kitchen has also been “redeemed.” Even Har-
lem, where you had to be careful, forget it! Harlem is doing very well and the
real estate is very expensive. Bohemians and people who aren't wealthy are be-
ingdrivenoutofHarlem. They'reprobablygoinguptotheBronx.Brooklynand
the Bronx are improving also. Wherever they go, they keep being driven out be-
cause of the gentrification of the area.
One of the art dealers I work with has a gallery in the Chelsea District—he has
got a ton of overhead—but he's living in a beautiful apartment up in Harlem.
Sure, it would have been a lot better for him to live down here in Chelsea near
his gallery, but he wouldn't have been able to afford a nice place. He'd get a tiny
place with dorky furniture for three-thousand-dollars a month.
So Chelsea is too rich for art dealers! It's only for money people, people who
deal in money.
When I was living in Manhattan, I felt like I was living in a charged ionic atmo-
time. In Manhattan, so many of these things happened for me so quickly. One
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