Travel Reference
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If you want the truth though, it was scary! You had to kind of look over your
shoulder and watch who you invited in your room.
One time when I was working, Coffie had a disagreement with me. I had asked
him not to talk to my girlfriend, and he came in once late at night. He was high
on crack, and he threw me against the wall and threatened me. I told Stanley that
this guy should go, and the people at the desk backed me up. But because this
later, Coffie pulled a gun on Stanley. I guess Stanley saw this as reason enough
to finally get rid of him.
Andre the Russian was another pimp who had a couple of prostitutes working
al murderer who murdered all these prostitutes. His name was Bernie something.
She was a street prostitute, and life is rough for them.
There was this guy Doc—he was a schoolteacher in New York City, but he also
a pimp! Doc and Viva, the former Warhol supserstar, used to get into these big
fights forever.Docwouldtake hisdogdowninfrontofViva'sroomevery single
morning and have the dog take a shit in front of her door on the doormat. Then
Viva would go down to Stanley and raise hell about it. “Get Doc out of here!”
She tried all kinds of ways to get Doc out of the Chelsea.
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