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Marilyn Knew What Crazy Looked Like
Some Chelsea celebrities are celebrities only at the Chelsea. They're not Arthur Miller, Pi-
casso or Dylan, but as someone used to say, “I'm sure they each had their own contribution
to the world.” The first, Marilyn, contributes a chilling episode in an elevator.
in a mental hospital. She was always saying that Janis Joplin used to come over to
her room with a Pepsi can full of Southern Comfort and be saying, “Please don't
be mad at my loud music.”
Marilyn knew what crazy looked like, and she said to me, “You know, I rode up
the Chelsea elevator with the woman who shot Andy Warhol,” she said. 'When I
got off the elevator, I said to my friend that's the craziest person I have ever seen,
and she's going to try to kill someone.'” And not long after that encounter, this
woman she saw in the elevator tried to murder Warhol.
In fact, the woman, Valerie Jean Solanas, was headed up the elevator to the Factory to shoot
Warhol. Warhol's health was never the same after the shooting, and it is generally believed
that it began the gradual decline of his career.
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